The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden Per Holmström presented his Letters of Credence to President Myriam Spiteri Debono at the Presidential Palace, Valletta.

Staff Report , Published: June 1, 2024, 2:06 pm

The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden Per Holmström presented his Letters of Credence to President Myriam Spiteri Debono at the Presidential Palace, Valletta.

President Spiteri Debono commended the efforts of Sweden in their participation in multilateral fora. She noted the initiatives by Sweden in support of international peace, including assistance in areas of conflict, such as the Gaza Strip. While referencing and underlining Malta's neutrality and dedication to adherence with international law, President Spiteri Debono noted the importance of inclusion of all relevant parties in negotiations towards peaceful solutions to ongoing conflicts, such as the inclusion of the Russian Federation in discussions over conflict resolution on Ukraine. President Spiteri Debono also noted the reasons at the basis of Sweden's decision to join NATO.

Meanwhile, the Ambassador applauded the notable feat by Malta in its leadership role both within the UN Security Council and the OSCE in such turbulent times. He further commended Malta's role in the Ukraine peace process, noting the impact of the war on the security of the Baltic region. He noted that the insecurity caused by the Russian Federation has led to renewed security concerns on territories in the region, such as the island of Gotland. The Ambassador also expressed his willingness towards opportunities for best practice and skill sharing between Malta and Sweden.