Ambassador of the Federative Republic of Brazil Renato Mosca de Souza presented his Letters of Credence to President Myriam Spiteri Debono at the Presidential Palace, Valletta.

Staff Report , Published: June 1, 2024, 2:06 pm

Ambassador of the Federative Republic of Brazil Renato Mosca de Souza presented his Letters of Credence to President Myriam Spiteri Debono at the Presidential Palace, Valletta.

President Spiteri Debono remarked on the strong impact of the opening of the Embassy of Malta in Brasilia, and the impact this could have on strengthening relations between Malta and Brazil, such as through the promotion and strengthening of cultural heritage, and the negotiation of several bilateral agreements in several fields of cooperation. She commended further the common stance both countries share on the protection of peace and security, noting that the position Brazil stands for and what Malta strives to achieve will continue to strengthen relations. President Spiteri Debono also expressed support for improved bilateral trade and commercial relations between Malta and Brazil, remarking on the importance of the conclusion of the EU-MERCOSUR Trade Agreement.

On their part, the Ambassador underlined the value of the opening of the Embassy in Brasilia and noted the fiftieth anniversary of diplomatic relations between Malta and Brazil in 2025. The Ambassador expressed his appreciation for the support shown by Malta to Brazilian initiatives on a multilateral level, such as through the coinciding mandate of Malta and Brazil on the UN Security Council in 2023. The Ambassador reaffirmed his commitment to further establishing the Brazilian diplomatic presence in Malta in the coming future, considering the growing Brazilian diaspora in Malta and the potential for further business and investment that can take place between the two countries. He also commended the growth of the Maltese economy as well as the positive approach taken by Malta in view of the current global situation.