Early voting for EP and LC elections at approximately 81%

Gerald Fenech , Published: June 7, 2024, 10:06 am

Early voting for EP and LC elections at approximately 81%

Early voting for the European Parliament elections across three days reached approximately 81%

On 1st June there were 15979 registered voters and 16135 registered voters for the EP and LC elections respectively. Out of these, 14,041 and 14.136 cast their votes in both elections for an approximate turnout of 87.7% in both cases

On 4th June there were 8079 registered voters for both EP and LC elections with 7126 and 7110 casting their vote respectively or 88.2% and 88%.

On 6th June there were 1279 registered voters for EP elections and 1340 for LC Council elections. Out of these, 859 and 882 cast their vote for an average turnout of 67.16% for MEP elections and 65.82% for LC elections.

Total registered voters were 25,337 and 25,554 for MEP Elections and LC Elections respectively. A total of 22,026 and 22, 128 cast their vote for an 81.02% and 80.67% turnout for both elections.