What's Keeping Aid Out of Gaza?

Staff Report , Published: June 20, 2024, 10:06 am

What's Keeping Aid Out of Gaza?

Humanitarian organizations have thousands of tons of food, fuel, and medicine ready for Gaza, but several obstacles are preventing much of this aid from getting in. Typical challenges in a war zone include difficult terrain, destroyed roads and warehouses, and the need to protect aid workers from bombs and gunfire. However, the more significant issues involve actions by Israel, Egypt, and Hamas.

Israel has turned back aid trucks based on opaque rules, citing security concerns. The country aims to prevent supplies from reaching Hamas and to protect aid workers. Critics argue that Israel's measures are excessively cautious and serve as collective punishment against Palestinians. However, Israel maintains that its precautions are necessary to keep Hamas from intercepting aid. Egypt has blocked aid in protest against Israel’s military operations, and Hamas has stolen or attempted to steal aid shipments.

The authorities responsible for allowing aid into Gaza often prioritize their own interests over the needs of Palestinians, leading to repeated decisions that humanitarian groups cannot easily overcome. Israel's concerns revolve around preventing supplies from reaching Hamas and ensuring the safety of aid workers. Israel fears that aid supplies might be intercepted by Hamas, which has historically hidden operatives in civilian areas and used schools and hospitals to store weapons. This makes Israel wary of humanitarian groups possibly being exploited for covert operations.

In April, an incident where Israeli forces mistakenly killed seven workers from World Central Kitchen, despite the group's coordination with the military, marked a significant turning point. This led to Israel opening more crossings to allow aid and announcing a halt in operations in parts of southern Gaza during daytime hours to facilitate aid delivery. These combined challenges and security concerns have significantly hindered the flow of essential aid into Gaza.