Launching of the 2024 Ball of the August Moon

Staff Report , Published: July 4, 2024, 9:07 am

Launching of the 2024 Ball of the August Moon

The 2024 Ball of the August Moon will be held on Saturday, August 3rd, at Verdala Palace. This will be the first edition organized under the Presidency of President Myriam Spiteri Debono.

During a press conference at Sant’Anton Palace, the Chairman of the Ball’s Organizing Committee, Marchesino Daniel De Petri Testaferrata, described this Ball as part of the tradition of the people of Malta and Gozo, noting that it has been organized for many years.

The Marchesino thanked all the sponsors whose support, year after year, helps in making the Ball a success.

President of Malta Myriam Spiteri Debono explained the importance of such events in aid of The Malta Community Chest Fund, with the aim of raising funds to continue to give hope, including to persons with cancer. “Help us so that we are able to aid all those seeking our help,” stated the President, while thanking all those contributing to this event.

Tickets can be purchased online from the website