NATO Accuses China of Aiding Russia's Attacks on Ukraine

Staff Report , Published: July 11, 2024, 12:07 pm

NATO Accuses China of Aiding Russia's Attacks on Ukraine

For the first time, NATO has echoed Washington's accusations of China providing military support to Russia, claiming that Beijing is facilitating Russia's war efforts against Ukraine. In a recent declaration, the military alliance demanded that China stop supplying "weapons components" and other crucial technology for the reconstruction of the Russian military.

The declaration warned China that its involvement in the war could harm its interests and reputation, particularly highlighting China's "large-scale support for Russia’s defense industrial base." While specific repercussions were not detailed, economic sanctions restricting China's access to global markets are a likely initial measure. The declaration also accused China of engaging in "malicious cyber- and hybrid activities, including disinformation" targeting Europe and the U.S.

Initially, many European leaders dismissed the Russia-China "partnership without limits" as unlikely or unrealistic. However, perspectives have shifted significantly 29 months into the Ukraine invasion.

In a related development, NATO leaders issued an official document reaffirming the alliance's "irreversible" commitment to advancing Ukraine's path to membership.