Britain’s New Government Lays Out Priorities

Staff Report , Published: July 18, 2024, 2:07 pm

Britain’s New Government Lays Out Priorities

King Charles III formally opened Britain’s Parliament yesterday, presenting the new Labour government’s center-left legislative agenda. The agenda focuses on combating climate change and fostering closer ties with the European Union.

The government announced plans to establish two new public companies: Great British Energy, dedicated to investing in clean-energy projects nationwide, and Great British Railways, aimed at returning Britain’s private rail companies to public ownership. Additionally, the government will end the value-added tax exemption for private schools, using the generated revenue to hire 6,500 teachers for public schools.

Despite the agenda aligning with his interests, King Charles maintained a neutral demeanor throughout the presentation. This reflects his lifelong commitment to political neutrality, as noted by Mark Landler, the London bureau chief.