Jobsplus directed to revise employment plans for TCNs – Robert Abela

Desk Report , Published: July 28, 2024, 7:07 pm

Jobsplus directed to revise employment plans for TCNs – Robert Abela

The government has instructed Jobsplus to reevaluate its strategies regarding the employment of third-country nationals (TCNs) in Malta. Speaking on One Radio on Sunday morning, Prime Minister Robert Abela emphasized that the government will make all necessary decisions in the country's best interest.

"Within a few weeks, after thorough consultations, we will have updated plans. These decisions will be ambitious, not superficial, because I believe Malta should only have the necessary number of foreign workers," Abela stated.

He underscored the need for more health and care workers while pointing out that the cab and food courier markets are already saturated, which requires strategic decisions. "It is evident that the country has enough foreign workers in these two sectors, and a decision to refuse new work permit applications has already been made," he added.

The prime minister cautioned employment agencies that attempts to bypass the system would result in rejections. "We will not allow the majority to suffer for the benefit of a few. While the few may be louder and apply more pressure, we are well aware of the needs of the many and will act accordingly," he asserted.

Last week, Rising Malta reported that hundreds of third-country nationals were having their work permit applications denied. On Friday, the government confirmed that new applications for cab driver and food courier work permits by third-country nationals were being rejected due to market saturation.