Biden’s Plan to Overhaul the Supreme Court

Staff Report , Published: July 30, 2024, 12:07 pm

Biden’s Plan to Overhaul the Supreme Court

At a public engagement in Austin, Texas, President Biden warned that U.S. courts were being weaponized to push an “extreme and unchecked” conservative agenda. He announced his intention to push for legislation that would reform the Supreme Court, including imposing term limits and creating an enforceable code of ethics for the justices.

The proposal, which would require congressional approval, faces significant obstacles in a Republican-controlled House and a divided Senate. Speaker Mike Johnson has already dismissed the plan, calling it “dead on arrival” in the House.

Democrats argue that Americans are broadly concerned about the inner workings of a court that has swung to the right since 2020. Recent polls indicate that the Supreme Court’s approval rating is at a historic low, with a majority of Americans believing that the court’s decisions are driven by ideology.