Macron Appoints Michel Barnier as New Prime Minister Amid Political Deadlock

Staff Report , Published: September 6, 2024, 3:09 pm

Macron Appoints Michel Barnier as New Prime Minister Amid Political Deadlock

President Emmanuel Macron appointed veteran right-wing politician Michel Barnier as France’s new prime minister in an effort to end the country’s ongoing political impasse. Barnier, 73, is a prominent figure in French politics, known for his role in leading the EU’s Brexit negotiations. His appointment comes after France has gone more than 50 days without an active government following elections that left no party with an absolute majority.

The left-wing New Popular Front, which secured the largest share of seats in the election, has already voiced its opposition to Barnier’s appointment. The alliance has vowed to reject Barnier’s government, and leftist leaders have called for large-scale protests in Paris against Macron’s move. The political standoff poses challenges for Macron as he tries to navigate France’s fragmented political landscape.