European Court Ruling Against Malta Over Bird Trapping

Staff Report , Published: September 19, 2024, 2:09 pm

European Court Ruling Against Malta Over Bird Trapping

The Partit Nazzjonalista notes the ruling of the European Court of Justice, which found the Maltese Government guilty of failing to meet its obligations under EU laws when it adopted a derogation allowing the trapping of songbirds for scientific purposes.

In its decision, the European Court stated that this goes against the European Birds Directive.

It is worth recalling that this is the second similar ruling after Malta was already found guilty in 2018 regarding bird trapping and was ordered to completely stop this practice. Subsequently, the Government opened a season under the pretext of research, and the European Commission immediately understood that this was merely a smokescreen, reopening Infringement Proceedings against the Maltese Government.

Today's decision shows that the Maltese Government falsely raised hunters' hopes that they could continue bird trapping.

Even worse, the Government ignored warning after warning from the EU, leading to Malta being taken to Court and now having to face the consequences, losing the case with all related costs.

The PN once again calls for serious dialogue with the European Commission and bird trappers to find a way for bird trapping to be carried out sustainably and through a serious plan that ensures the trappers' interests are protected while avoiding any breach of the EU Birds Directive.

Instead, we now have a situation where thousands of trappers in our country cannot practise their hobby due to the Government's wrong decisions, which have resulted in the Court once again ruling to stop bird trapping.

The Partit Nazzjonalista declares that, as it has always done, it respects every ruling handed down, regardless of its source.