France’s Far Right at a Crossroads

Staff Report || Published: July 12, 2024, 11:07 am
France’s Far Right at a Crossroads

Following a series of controversies that plagued the far-right National Rally’s campaign in France’s snap parliamentary elections, Jordan Bardella, the party’s president, has called on its newly elected lawmakers to “underline the credibility of our project” and “be absolutely irreproachable in the field and with the media.”

The National Rally has spent recent years trying to sanitize its public image and remove the stain of anti-immigrant bigotry and Nazi nostalgia that has hindered its attempts to appear respectable. Despite securing a third-place finish in the elections and increasing its number of seats by nearly 40, the party failed to convince enough voters of its transformation.

Related: As the dust settles from France’s elections, a cost-of-living crisis continues to affect households across the country.

Analysis: The biggest winner in France and Britain’s elections was tactical voting, Amanda Taub writes in The Interpreter.

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