Parts of North West Gozo also without power for 16 hours and more

Gzira sets record for longest power cut ever at 35 hours - businesses in turmoil

Gerald Fenech || Published: July 21, 2024, 8:07 am
Gzira sets record for longest power cut ever at 35 hours - businesses in turmoil cables

Parts of Gzira were without power for almost 36 hours between Friday afternoon and early on Sunday morning as one of the longest power outages ever impacted the busy Maltese town. 

In a statement, Enemalta’s said that technical teams are addressing network difficulties on our distribution network in parts of St. Julian’s and Gzira in Malta, and Għasri, Għarb, San Lawrenz and Kercem, in Gozo.
Repair works started immediately on high voltage cable faults detected last night.
In Gzira, two faults developed on our 33kv cables, which are an integral part of our distribution network in the area. In Gozo, three 11kV cables fault in Għasri developed which supply electricity to nearby areas.
Where technically possible, Enemalta is using alternative sources of energy until repairs on these faults are addressed.
Electricity supply in parts of St. Julian’s, Gzira, Għasri, Għarb, San Lawrenz and Kercem will be restored once these works are completed. These cable faults isolated these areas from the national grid, therefore supply will be restored to all our customers once these repairs are completed.

Enemalta also held a media briefing to give an update about the ongoing repairs on the faults that developed last night.
Technical teams continued works to regain flexibility and resiliance to our distribution network.
Throughout the day, Enemalta performed repairs on underground cables so that isolated consumers could be reconnected to the national grid.
As explained to media houses, "we are going to continue investing in our electricity distribution system".

Risingmalta was not invited to this press briefing

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