How Migration is Influencing Western Politics

Staff Report || Published: June 13, 2024, 9:06 am
How Migration is Influencing Western Politics

David Leonhardt highlights the impact of immigration on Western politics, particularly following the recent European Parliament elections. These elections underscored the sway of migration issues, with right-wing parties gaining support by advocating for reduced immigration. Meanwhile, center-right parties emerged as frontrunners by adopting stricter immigration policies.

The surge in migration to the West has brought significant benefits, yet it has also posed challenges. Increased competition can adversely affect workers, governments struggle to meet the demands on social services, and some citizens are uneasy about societal changes. Historically, significant waves of immigration have often sparked political backlash, exemplified by events like Brexit.

For years, mainstream Western politicians often dismissed concerns about immigration as misguided or xenophobic, pushing many disillusioned voters towards far-right parties. However, there are emerging signs that the political left and center are now adopting a more balanced stance, celebrating the contributions of immigrants while also emphasizing the need for robust border security.

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