EU Labour Market Sees Significant Shifts: 3.4 Million Unemployed Find Jobs in Q1 2024

Staff Report || Published: June 14, 2024, 3:06 pm
EU Labour Market Sees Significant Shifts: 3.4 Million Unemployed Find Jobs in Q1 2024

Between the fourth quarter of 2023 and the first quarter of 2024, significant shifts occurred in the EU labor market among individuals aged 15-74:

- Unemployed to Employed: 3.4 million unemployed people (25.5% of all unemployed in Q4 2023) found jobs.

- Remaining Unemployed: 6.8 million people (51.3%) stayed unemployed.

- Unemployed to Out of Labor Force: 3.1 million unemployed people (23.3%) left the labor force.

Labour Market Transitions

The data provides a detailed overview of labor market transitions between Q4 2023 and Q1 2024:

- Employed to Unemployed: 2.5 million employed individuals (1.2%) became unemployed.

- Employed to Out of Labor Force: 4.5 million employed individuals (2.2%) exited the labor force.

- Out of Labor Force to Employed: 4.8 million people (4.1%) entered employment.

- Out of Labor Force to Unemployed: 4.1 million people (3.5%) transitioned into unemployment.

These findings come from the latest Eurostat data on labor market flows, providing insights into the dynamic changes in employment status within the EU. More comprehensive details are available in the full Statistics Explained article.

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