EU Agricultural Prices Decline in First Quarter of 2024

Staff Report || Published: June 26, 2024, 12:06 pm
EU Agricultural Prices Decline in First Quarter of 2024

In the first quarter of 2024, agricultural prices in the EU for both outputs and inputs not related to investment fell. The average price of agricultural output decreased by 6% compared to the same quarter in 2023, while the average price of goods and services consumed in agriculture (excluding investment-related inputs) dropped by 11%.

Following a period of significant price increases in 2021 and the first three quarters of 2022, agricultural prices have since slowed in growth and begun to decline, trending towards pre-disruption levels.

Price changes for various agricultural outputs in Q1 2024 varied widely. The price of cereals saw a significant drop of 28%, milk prices fell by 12%, while eggs and industrial crops (including oilseeds, protein crops, raw tobacco, and sugar beet) decreased by 10%. Fresh vegetables also saw a 6% decline, with tomatoes experiencing a sharp 33% drop. Conversely, the price of potatoes rose by 22%, and fresh fruit prices increased by 20%, despite a 44% reduction in lemon and lime prices, influenced by anticipated weather-related impacts on harvest quantities.

Among non-investment inputs, significant price declines were recorded for fertilisers and soil improvers (-31%), animal feedingstuffs (-16%), and energy and lubricants (-12%).

At the national level, 21 out of 25 EU countries with available data reported a decrease in agricultural output prices in Q1 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. The largest declines were observed in Hungary (-24%), Bulgaria and Romania (both -18%), and Slovakia and Czechia (both -17%). Conversely, prices rose in five southern EU countries, with Greece experiencing the sharpest increase at +20%, followed by Malta and Spain (+4%), and Portugal and Cyprus (+1%).

For inputs not related to investment, 24 out of 25 EU countries recorded price declines in Q1 2024 compared to Q1 2023. The largest reductions were in Croatia (-20%), Hungary (-19%), and the Netherlands and Ireland (both -17%), while Portugal was the only country with a price increase 

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