Macron Dissolves Parliament, Calls Snap Election After Far-Right Triumph

Staff Report || Published: June 28, 2024, 8:06 am
Macron Dissolves Parliament, Calls Snap Election After Far-Right Triumph

In a shocking move, President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the French Parliament and called for a snap election following his party's significant defeat by the far-right National Rally in European elections. The first round of voting is set for Sunday.

Roger Cohen, The Times's Paris bureau chief, provided insight into the situation.

What’s at stake?

Roger: President Macron has taken a significant risk. The immediate concern is that the far-right National Rally could secure a majority, or even an absolute majority, in Parliament. This would break a long-standing postwar taboo in France against the far right attaining the highest government offices.

Why would Macron call this vote after being beaten in the E.U. parliamentary elections?

Some believe he is calculating that if the National Rally enters government now, the party will be discredited by the 2027 presidential elections, as governing is more challenging than criticizing from outside.

Do you think it’s a sound strategy?

No. It seems unnecessary, extremely high-risk, and poorly timed with the upcoming Olympics in less than three weeks. If the far right wins, it could lead to violence, protests, and chaos, potentially tarnishing France's image as the Olympics begin.

What do the French people think about this?

The general mood in France is one of consternation, bewilderment, and underlying tension, with fears of violent demonstrations if the far right achieves a significant victory.

What do you think is likely to happen?

The most likely outcome is a victory for the National Rally, possibly without an absolute majority but as the largest party. This would leave Macron facing a Parliament dominated by the National Rally, a substantial far-left presence, and a significantly diminished position for his party.

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