Stampede at Hindu Prayer Meeting in India Kills Over 100

Staff Report || Published: July 3, 2024, 8:07 am
Stampede at Hindu Prayer Meeting in India Kills Over 100

A stampede at a Hindu prayer meeting in Uttar Pradesh yesterday resulted in the deaths of more than 100 people and left many others injured. Local officials attributed the tragedy to heat and overcrowding, which triggered panic among the attendees. The gathering had attracted a significantly larger crowd than the 5,000-person limit set by its permit.

The majority of the casualties were women and children who suffocated in the crush to exit the venue. Witnesses reported to local media that some victims fell into a drainage ditch, compounding the chaos and fatalities.

Stampedes during religious events are relatively common in India, often due to inadequate public safety measures. In recent years, authorities have increased surveillance efforts, deploying more police officers and drones to manage large crowds.

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