Trump and Harris Clash Over Upcoming ABC Debate

Staff Report || Published: August 27, 2024, 11:08 am
Trump and Harris Clash Over Upcoming ABC Debate

The campaigns of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are once again at odds, this time over the presidential debate scheduled for September 10 on ABC. Trump has taken to social media to question the necessity of his participation, while the Harris campaign has called for a change in the debate rules, requesting that microphones remain live throughout the entire broadcast—a shift from the rules used in the June debate between President Biden and Trump.

A spokesman for the Harris campaign told Politico, "Our understanding is that Trump’s team prefers the muted microphone because they don’t believe their candidate can maintain a presidential demeanor for 90 minutes on his own."

In response, Trump told reporters that he wasn't concerned whether the microphones were muted or not, but added that ABC should be "shut out" from hosting the debate. He also mentioned that he is still "thinking about" whether to participate.

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