Jordanian Gunman Kills Three Israeli Workers at Allenby Border Crossing

Staff Report || Published: September 9, 2024, 2:09 pm
Jordanian Gunman Kills Three Israeli Workers at Allenby Border Crossing

Three Israeli workers were killed on Sunday when a Jordanian man opened fire at the Allenby Bridge border crossing between Israel and Jordan. The assailant, who arrived at the cargo terminal in a truck, was shot and killed by Israeli security forces on the scene. The victims have been identified as Yohanan Schuri, 61, Yuri Birenbaum, 65, and Adrian Marcelo Podzamczer.

In response, Israel has closed all border crossings with Jordan indefinitely, while Jordanian authorities announced they are investigating the attack. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the incident, claiming Israel is "surrounded by a murderous ideology led by Iran's axis of evil."

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad praised the shooting, referring to it as a "heroic" act, claiming it reflects the sentiments of people in Jordan and across the Arab world.

Meanwhile, discussions on a potential ceasefire continue to stall. A foreign diplomat involved in Israel-Hamas negotiations reported little progress, stating, "Neither side is willing to adopt the current proposal."

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