Euro Dominates E.U. Trade, But Dollar Leads Imports

Staff Report || Published: June 24, 2024, 11:06 am
Euro Dominates E.U. Trade, But Dollar Leads Imports

In 2023, the euro was used in 46% of overall extra-EU trade in goods, while the US dollar accounted for 42%. EU countries' non-euro currencies were used for 2%, and other currencies made up 10%. For exports, the euro led with a 52% share, followed by the US dollar at 32%, non-euro EU currencies at 3%, and other currencies at 14%.

The euro was the primary export currency in 19 of 27 EU countries, with Slovenia (90%), Croatia (82%), and Latvia (78%) having the highest shares. Six countries primarily used the US dollar for exports, with Cyprus (76%), Ireland (65%), and Greece (54%) topping this list. Sweden and Denmark had significant shares using their own currencies, at 50% and 28% respectively.

For imports, the US dollar was most used, accounting for 50%, followed by the euro at 41%. Non-euro EU currencies made up 1%, and other currencies 7%. The US dollar was the main import currency in 16 countries, with the highest shares in Finland (67%), and Greece, Poland, and Lithuania (each 64%). The euro led in the remaining 11 countries, notably Slovenia (77%), Croatia (70%), and Slovakia (60%). Double-digit usage of non-euro EU currencies was seen in Czechia (24%) and Denmark (13%).

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