A transition towards clean energy requires a regional agreement between European Union countries and third countries

Staff reporter || Published: May 31, 2024, 8:05 am
A transition towards clean energy requires a regional agreement between European Union countries and third countries Minister Miriam Dalli

During a meeting of the Ministers of Energy of the European Union, Malta appealed in favor of greater aid for the countries that are on the periphery of the European Union. These countries are not fully connected to the European energy network and have limited opportunities to increase their amount of renewables.

Malta, while it is connected to the European electricity grid, is not yet connected to the European gas grid. Minister Miriam Dalli called for a transition towards clean energy that does not allow any country to fall behind. She mentioned the need to distribute the financing for energy projects to all countries in an equitable way and address projects that are still quite innovative such as the projects that are floating offshore.

The Minister claimed that for all countries to move away from polluting sources there is a need for greater investments in infrastructure, greater investment in more interconnections and greater flexibility in the way investments are made in energy storages including bulk batteries.

Minister Dalli emphasized the need for the European Union to look after its borders where there are a number of countries that have a strong renewable energy potential. She appealed to the European Commission to negotiate a regional agreement between the countries of the European Union and third countries so that each member state has the opportunity to benefit from regional interconnection projects.

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