The infrastructural works on the two bridges leading to Fort Sant'Angelo are completed

Staff reporter || Published: June 1, 2024, 12:06 pm
The infrastructural works on the two bridges leading to Fort Sant'Angelo are completed Birgu Waterdront bridges

The Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works Chris Bonett inaugurated the two bridges that give access to Fort Sant'AnĞlu in Birgu and the part of the shore in front of the Fort's entrance.

With an investment of around three million euros, Infrastructure Malta carried out a project to develop a pedestrian bridge and another one for vehicles instead of the bridge that was there before and over which both vehicles and people used to pass.

In June last year, the bridge that was there was closed to vehicles after part of it collapsed. This was built by the British Services and designed for a much lower weight than that of the vehicles that were passing over it in recent years and therefore over time suffered a number of damages. After the bridge was closed, Infrastructure Malta decided to dismantle it and instead of one bridge build two new bridges; one for vehicles and the other for people to give safe accessibility to those walking in the area.

The Minister Chris Bonett said how such projects are the result of the Government's commitment to create a safer and higher quality infrastructure while in an area like Birgu Waterfront the best facilities are provided for Maltese people, tourists and people who make use of the Navy.

"When we visited this project last January, I promised that these bridges, which will provide safe access for everyone who visits this site, will be built as quickly as possible and in the least inconvenient way. Therefore I would like to show my appreciation to Infrastructure Malta for their continuous work, especially those in the maritime section who, despite having to work according to the elements of the sea, always provide the most professional results that will leave a legacy of "Malta is beautiful and modern, " repeated Minister Bonett.

For his part, the CEO of Infrastructure Malta Ivan Falzon said, "Infrastructure Malta will continue to be focused on improving accessibility while ensuring that everyone reaches their destination safely and efficiently."

During the project, Infrastructure Malta recognized the historical value of this site and maintained direct contact with the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage, with this entity being involved from the very beginning of the project and contributing to the design , while she supervised the ongoing work. A restoration project is currently being carried out on the old bridge structure which will be exhibited within the boundaries of the site.

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