Commercial zone in Rabat enjoys green uplift with Urban Greening scheme

Staff Report || Published: June 4, 2024, 9:06 am
Commercial zone in Rabat enjoys green uplift with Urban Greening scheme

Various local councils are currently implementing projects to green up urban zones, thanks to the Urban Greening Scheme supported by the Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Regeneration of the Grand Harbour.

One of these projects is Triq Santa Rita in Rabat, which benefitted from funds to regenerate a road in one of Rabat's most busy and commercialised zones. The project was split in two phases: the first phase focused on beautification work with planting more trees and shrubs, installing a green wall and efficient irrigation systems and creating a roof garden. The project was carried out as sustainably as possible. Plastic material was also avoided in installing the green wall. Recyclable materials such as wood were used.

The second phase consisted of green infrastructure in Triq Santa Rita, including the installation of additional troughs in the steps connecting Triq Santa Rita with Triq ir-Rebħa. Interventions were also made on the substation and the public convenience, where a roof garden was installed. This aims to help control temperatures in the hot summer months.

Minister Miriam Dalli stated, "The delivery of these projects leads to nicer and greener communities, but above all, it is offering a nicer recreational space for the residents. With a nicer and more accessible environment, we also encourage residents who need to go to the commercial area on foot and not by car. The more we beautify urban areas, the more we will help to improve people's quality of life."

Parliamentary Secretary Alison Zerafa Civelli praised the Rabat Local Council who recognised the need to beautify an urban area in the locality through green regeneration. She also praised the collaboration between the Local Council and Ambjent Malta in favour of this project, and encouraged more local councils to propose similar projects that create more green spaces in the heart of their respective localities. "The integration of green spaces in urban areas not only gives a more beautiful aesthetic to the place but contributes to the benefit of the mental and physical well-being of our communities", emphasised Parliamentary Secretary Zerafa Civelli.

Rabat Mayor Sandro Craus stated that through this project they wanted to ensure that the investment would continue to be maintained. He continued that in addition to planting more trees and plants they installed a number of tanks and pumps for frequent automatic watering. "We used the funds to create a green wall and a green roof, covering the stones and concrete with colourful plants and flowers. We also invested in decorative lighting and benches to enhance the overall look of the area. Our residents greatly appreciate this project, as they have witnessed the transformation from what it used to be to what it is today," concluded Mr Craus.

Ambjent Malta Director Josianne Muscat explained that "This was one of several projects that the entity was conducting with several other local councils. Several urban areas are being greened through the schemes issued by Ambjent Malta for the Local Councils, with the aim of improving the residents' quality of life. The introduction of ecological infrastructure in urban areas not only also helps beautify the environment around us but contributes towards strengthening biodiversity and encouraging bee and insect pollination."

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