Arrivals of tourists have increased by 25% in first four months of the year.

Staff Report || Published: June 4, 2024, 5:06 pm
Arrivals of tourists have increased by 25% in first four months of the year.

Tourist arrivals during the initial four months of the year exhibited a 25 percent increase in comparison to the corresponding period of the previous year, indicating a growth rate of 14.8 percent solely in the month of April, as reported by the National Statistics Office. The approximate number of inbound tourists in April tallied up to 306,279.

In April, Malta welcomed a total of 281,665 tourists for recreational purposes and 16,800 visitors for business engagements. The demographic group predominantly represented among tourists comprised individuals aged between 25 and 44, accounting for 35.1 percent, followed by the 45-64 age group at 32.1 percent. Collectively, British, Italian, and French tourists constituted 48.5 percent of the total visitor arrivals.

The aggregate number of nights spent by tourists experienced a 3.8 percent rise compared to April 2023, nearly reaching 1.7 million nights. The majority of guest nights, amounting to 88 percent, were utilized in rented accommodation establishments. The average duration of stay for inbound tourists was recorded at 5.5 nights.

The total amount spent on tourism came to €239.6 million, a 19.7% increase over the same month in 2023. The estimated average cost per night was €142.90. Including both day-trippers and overnight guests, the total number of tourists visiting Gozo and Comino was 159,391, or 52% of all tourists.

During the period spanning from January to April 2024, the number of inbound tourists saw a notable surge, reaching 888,118 individuals, denoting a 25.1 percent escalation in comparison to the corresponding timeframe in 2023. Concurrently, the cumulative nights spent by inbound tourists showed a marked increase of 12.7 percent, nearly reaching a total of 5.1 million nights.

The NSO reported that the overall tourist expenditure for the aforementioned period was approximated at €646.8 million, exhibiting a substantial rise of 26.2 percent when juxtaposed with the figures from 2023. Furthermore, the average total expenditure per person rose to €728, up from €722 noted during the same period in the preceding year.

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