New online survey shows strikingly different results than those published in newspapers

Gerald Fenech || Published: May 27, 2024, 8:05 am
New online survey shows strikingly different results than those published in newspapers Malta Survey poll

A new online survey for the MEP elections published by Malta Survey has shown some different results especially with regards to Independent candidates.

You can read the full survey here 

A gap of just under 10% lies between the PL and the PN, occupying 50.4% and 40.7% of voters’ intentions respectively. According to this survey, the gap between the two major political parties has decreased over the last few weeks. Interestingly, 6% of the sample stated their intention to vote for Imperium Europa whilst 2.9% split their voting intentions amongst the other parties. If one considers the independent candidates as their own group, 9.2% of the sample opted to vote for this group. While it is overtly clear that Imperium Europa has gained some momentum, also reflecting the drive towards the far right in other European countries, this is not enough to get any of the candidates on this party ticket to get elected.

The Labour Party continued to increase its momentum with a further increase of retention to 77.2% from the 74.2% observed in the April 2024 poll. The loss to non-voters decreased from 12.8% to 8.5%. 5.6% of the loss of Labour Party retention is towards the Nationalist Party.

The Nationalist Party also gained momentum, increasing its retention from 79.5% to 81.1% with a roughly similar loss to the Labour Party of 4.9% (from April’s 4.8%).The amount of loss of the Nationalist Party retention to non-voters stayed in the same portion of 3.4% (from 3.8%).

Roberta Metsola has solidified her position as the highest-ranking candidate by 1st preference with a 30.44% portion of first preference amongst the voting participants in the sample. This is a growth of just under 3%. Alex Agius Saliba has strongly retained his position as the 2nd highest ranking candidate by 1st preference with a 25.02% representation amongst the sample, with a reduction of 1% from our April poll. Daniel Attard also maintained his third-place ranking by 1st preference with 8.67%, also reducing 1.5% from MS April poll.

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