Health Alert: Unsafe Black Nylon Kitchen Utensils from Alpina

Staff Report || Published: June 28, 2024, 3:06 pm
Health Alert: Unsafe Black Nylon Kitchen Utensils from Alpina

With reference to press release number PR240062, dated 18th January 2024 and in accordance with the Food Safety Act and Regulation (EC) No. 178 of 2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the Environmental Health Directorate within the Superintendence of Public Health wishes to inform the public that the following additional information received through the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed, the mentioned food contact materials must not be used in view of the possibility of migration of Primary Aromatic Amines during use.

Primary Aromatic Amines are chemical substances which can migrate from food contact materials (especially when these are made of black plastic). These substances can pose a risk to health.

Deskrizzjoni tal-oġġetti:

  • Utensili tal-kċina tan-najlon iswed, bil-manku tal-injam u stainless steel
    • Tip: Mgħarfa tal-ispagetti (barcode 871125214870)
    • Mgħarfa kbira (barcode 871125214871)
    • Mgħarfa mtaqqba tawwalija (barcode 871125214872)
    • Mgħarfa mtaqqba tonda (barcode 871125214878)

Ditta: Alpina

For further information, the public is kindly requested to contact the Health Inspectorate Services between 8:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. on telephone number 21337333 or by email on [email protected]. The public is also being invited to access the Directorate’s Facebook page at or our official website at for similar information.

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