Maltese OSCE Chairpersonship Targeting Non-Traditional Security Threats

Staff Report || Published: July 4, 2024, 9:07 am
Maltese OSCE Chairpersonship Targeting Non-Traditional Security Threats

Minister for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade and OSCE Chair-in-Office Ian Borg addressed the Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Bucharest on Wednesday morning.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE brings together more than 300 parliamentarians from across the OSCE region to facilitate inter-parliamentary dialogue, encourage increased parliamentary diplomacy, and advance the OSCE's goals of comprehensive security.

Chair-in-Office Borg underscored the important role of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly as he commended the efforts of its parliamentarians. “You are the democratic backbone of the OSCE, and I am grateful for your work, active engagement, and views,” he said.

The 2024 Maltese Chairpersonship of the OSCE recognizes that the Organization must enhance its ability to respond to the challenges that the region continues to face. “We are also striving to address the emergence of ever more non-traditional security challenges,” the Minister explained, adding that “this commitment is one that underpins Malta’s Chairpersonship, reflected in the Climate Change Conference held in Malta two weeks ago and the upcoming Conference on Cyber Security in July.”

“The human, economic, and environmental dimensions of security are the bread and butter of our shared political and parliamentary vocation. We count on your voices and the democratic legitimacy they bring as we work to make the OSCE more resilient and efficient,” the Chair-in-Office added.

Meanwhile, Minister Borg also reiterated the OSCE’s call on Russia to cease hostilities in Ukraine. “We call for an immediate end to this senseless war and reaffirm our determination and commitment to stand united with the Ukrainian people in their suffering,” he said.

Following his address, the Chair-in-Office also answered questions from the parliamentarians. In response to questions about the situation in Ukraine, he explained that the OSCE is supporting the Ukrainian people through the Special Support Programme, with more than 20 projects with different Ukrainian partners, including initiatives promoting rule of law and media freedom, as well as efforts to mitigate the more direct impacts of the war, including de-mining and environmental degradation.

Malta began its 12-month Chairpersonship of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in January, under the theme “Strengthening Resilience, Enhancing Security”, after it was unanimously elected to head this Organization for the first time in its history in November 2023.

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