Security and Irregular Migration Discussed in Libya

Staff Report || Published: July 18, 2024, 2:07 pm
Security and Irregular Migration Discussed in Libya

Minister for Home Affairs, Security and Employment Byron Camilleri held meetings with Libyan Minister for Home Affairs Emad Trabelsi where concrete measures were discussed about how Malta and Libya will continue to cooperate in the fields of security, and how Malta can continue to assist the exercise of developing the capacities of the Libyan law enforcement forces.

Minister Byron Camilleri also attended the Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum in Tripoli, Libya on Thursday 17th July, together with Prime Minister Robert Abela.

Initiated by Libyan Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, the Forum seeks to address the pressing issue of irregular migration, which is not only driven by factors such as poverty or economic decline, but also by international economic policies and security, and political approaches towards Southern Mediterranean countries.

During the Forum, the organisers emphasised the challenges faced by African countries, including the depletion of human resources and young talent, and how these scenarios require a comprehensive approach through the establishment of a strategic cooperation framework between African and European countries that serves the interests of all stakeholders in the migration equation, with a primary focus on safeguarding the human rights and dignity of migrants.

The minister underscored how it is only through prevention that we can reach tangible and long-lasting results and avoid more deaths at sea. In particular, the Minister emphasised the need to step-up the fight against migrant smugglers, and significantly increase the rate of returns, to convey a strong message that irregular migration is not a viable option.

The minister also highlighted the importance of working towards a more long-term objective; addressing the root causes of migration. Minister Camilleri emphasised the importance of investing in countries of origin to create more jobs for their populations and develop key sectors like the economy, education and healthcare. Such an approach, the minister said, would enable young people to establish a future in their homeland without having to resort to irregular migration with all the perils it entails.

Minister Byron Camilleri also talked about the need to adopt a strategy based on mutual trust and cooperation between countries of origin, transit and destination. In this regard, the minister emphasised the excellent relationship between Libya and Malta and the high level of cooperation between the two countries in the fight against irregular migration, which in recent years has led to tangible results.

Finally, the minister noted the importance of countries of origin, transit and destination to work together to address the challenges related to irregular migration. He also indicated that it is only through unity that one can achieve long-lasting results and stop people from embarking on perilous journeys where they are at the mercy of unscrupulous smugglers, and which often lead to the loss of so many innocent lives.

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