Rihama Battery: who is taking political responsibilty?

Staff reporter || Published: July 21, 2024, 10:07 am
Rihama Battery: who is taking political responsibilty? Bidni rocks

Rihama Battery: who is taking political responsibility?

Already in 2017 Minister Owen Bonnici had been officially informed of Charlot Cassar's motion.
 What did he do about it?

In 2023 Arnold Cassola wrote about the state of the battery on Facebook.

Conrad Neil Gatt also documented the deterioration of the battery and informed the authorities of the serious danger it was posing.

The photos of the battery in June this year and then again now in July clearly demonstrate that part of the bricks collapsed.

Whether this has anything to do with the recent tragic death in Munxar has still to be ascertained by the Inquiring Magistrate.

In the meantime, who is taking political responsibility for the crumbling historic building?

    In June 2024 I wrote again about it.

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